Connecting Strategy and Customer Service

John Goodman is Vice Chairman of Customer Care Measurement and Consulting (CCMC). CCMC’s customer  satisfaction and loyalty surveys and analytics are used by leading Fortune 500 companies from every industry to produce a better ROI from their investments in customer experience. John has managed more than 1,000 separate customer service studies, including the White House Read More …

Service Gemba Walks with Bob Petruska

Bob Petruska of Sustain Lean Consulting brings 24 years of experience helping a variety of customers including Health Care, Aerospace, Automotive, Food, Office and Service industries improve their performance.  He is a consultant, presenter, trainer and published author. Download PDF Transcript of Podcast Note: This is a transcription of a podcast. It has not gone through Read More …

Value Stream Mapping with Locher

Drew co-authored a book titled, “The Complete Lean Enterprise: Value Stream Mapping for Administrative and Office Processes ”. The book won a Shingo Prize for Manufacturing Excellence in Manufacturing Research. Later he authored, “Value Stream Mapping for Lean Development: A How-To Guide for Streamlining Time to Market ”. This book demonstrates the application of Lean Read More …

Where Strategy and Customer Service Meet, Part 1 of 2

What we find is there are a lot of buzz words Big Data, Net Promoter Score, Chief Customer Officer or Voice of Customer. A lot of those are used as simplistic code words when in fact the entire process is much, much more complicated than that. For instance, in most organizations Voice of Customer is Read More …

Should the Lean Champion be the Chief Customer Officer?

I asked John Goodman, next week’s Business 901 Podcast guest, author of the fantastic book  Strategic Customer Service, fellow presenter at ASQ Service Quality Conference in Las Vegas and last but not least Vice Chairman of Customer Care Measurement and Consulting (, the question: “Your presentation ASQ is titled, “Beyond the Buzz Words”. Can you Read More …

Story Dialoguing your Sales Pitch

Developing Pull in the Lean Marketing Conversation There has been countless books written on the power of storytelling and why that is needed. We are told that all humans are wired to communicate best through stories. We are told that from the beginning of time that this was how we transferred information and wisdom to Read More …