Can Lean Principles drive demand?

When people talk to me about demand, I get lost. Most of the time they focus on macroeconomics, governments, market identification, etc. But my struggle is that I have never seen a tax cut, training, better data, better methods create demand, just customers. Is that too simplistic? Many times we venture off in the world Read More …

Mapping the Digital Frontier with the Multiverse

Where is the Digital Frontier taking us? Joe Pine has 2 new books out this summer, Infinite Possibility and The Experience Economy, Updated Edition. The Experience Economy identified a shift in the business world back in 1999 and many of the items discussed are just being realized today. In fact, the idea of staging experiences Read More …

The Experience Economy Author, Joe Pine discusses Customer Value on the Digital Frontier

Joe Pine: “What you’re doing is that you’re shifting from thinking of them as constraints to thinking of them as resources. When you say that time is an element that costs our customers that’s a constrained view, instead of recognizing that customers have time that they want to spend inside of experiences.” – excerpt from Read More …

Do you understand where demand comes from

Maybe the better question is can it be created? Most of us believe it is though better or more marketing or sales. Where it really comes from is understanding your customers better! That should come as little surprise to the readers of this blog. My recent posts: Deming was just simply wrong about variation… Why Read More …

Scaling Customer Decision Making Process

In yesterday’s blog post, I made a statement that I find a striking resemblance in the Toyota Supplier hierarchy (on left) depicted by Liker and Meier (The Toyota Way Fieldbook) and the Economic Pyramid model (on right) of Pines and Gilmore (The Experience Economy). It deserves a better description. If we were to view the Read More …

Profiling the customer by knowledge gaps

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components. This particular blog focuses around Buffer Profiles and Level Determination or in the marketing sense, profiling the customer by your knowledge gaps. Once the strategically replenished positions are determined, the target levels of those buffers Read More …