Follow the Knowledge Jolt with Jack

I am honored once again to be part of John Hunter’s Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog Carnival. The roundup is a review of blogs by other bloggers within the Lean community. John is one of the pioneers in using internet technology and using it to improve organizational performance in a way to get results. I encourage you to browse through his site. It is littered with information and few aspects of continuous improvement cannot be found there.

I have the pleasure of reviewing Knowledge Jolt with Jack hosted by Jack Vinson. Jack helps people and businesses focus on what needs to be done to improve how they work through creating mechanisms for continuous improvement. He approaches these ideas from many directions with two main focus areas: knowledge management and Theory of Constraints. If it sounds a little fluffy, I encourage you to read his blog and experience first hand how he applies these thoughts in a practical manner. A few of his blog posts: jack-vinson

These posts will give a quick sample of his insights into the world and how he would think helping your organization. Jack is an expert at working with organizations to increase collaboration and knowledge sharing. His experience in Theory of Constraints work goes beyond just project management and manufacturing operations (though he is quite proficient at these) and into applying these concepts to current thoughts to include social business, enterprise 2.0, product management, artificial intelligence, expert systems, weblogs, social software, social business, chemical engineering, biochemical engineering.

Sitting next to Jack at the LSSC12 hosted by the Lean Systems Society conference last year during a session was quite a treat. Jack creates a mind map, linking subjects and on-line references in a seamless motion. It is amazing the information he captures. In the next day or two, I saw the resulting blog post that he shared; Gregory Howell on commitment and collaboration at #LSSC12. His ability to capture, organize and disseminate information is exquisite, a testament to his resume. I encourage you to follow Jack through his blog or on Twitter @jackvinson.

Jack has also appeared on the Business901 Podcast:

1 thought on “Follow the Knowledge Jolt with Jack”

  1. Thanks, Joe! I appreciate your picking me as one of the two blogs to be in your contribution to the carnival.

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