Are you Marketing to the Informal Economy?

In his 2012 book Stealth of Nations: The Global Rise of the Informal Economy, Robert Neuwirth challenges conventional thinking by examining the world’s informal economy close up. To do so, he spent four years living and working with street vendors and gray marketers, to capture its scope, its vigor–and its lessons. He calls it “System Read More …

Scribing the new Lean Storyboard?

Storyboarding is a popular way of transferring the details of a Lean or a Six Sigma project to a graphical representation. Very much like your child’s fifth grade science fair project. The purpose is to summarize your team’s efforts and let other people outside of the team understand them. In some instances, a Lean A3 Read More …

Applying Lean in the Lean 3P Design Process

Allan R Coletta is a chemical engineer with an extensive background in manufacturing operations, supply chain and engineering, gained while working in the chemical process and healthcare diagnostics industries. He recently authored a book, The Lean 3P Advantage: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Production Preparation Process. Allan is my guest on the Business901 podcast next Read More …

Is your Organization looking at the High or Low Points?

The other piece of it is when we look at those things that are the high point experience, the story of the organization changes. It becomes a story of how good we are in our capabilities versus how bad we are. – John Steinbach John was my guest last week and we talked so long Read More …

Are you changing how you deliver a workshop?

Have we reached the transformation stage in the customer experience hierarchy? If so, the role as an expert may have diminished substantially, and we are now seeking facilitators to guide us through our journey. Some of you may not know what I mean by the customer experience hierarchy and how it relates to the transformation Read More …

The Lean Conference Season is Upon Us

This is the season; summer vacations are over and the Lean conference season has started. Have you signed up for one? Have you signed up for my next workshop, Lean Service Design Open Workshop on Sept. 27th at the Maryland World Class Consortia quarterly meeting? In a past blog post I discussed, Turning your Conference Read More …