Are your Managers managing Technology? Or… technology managing them? What about innovation? What about marketing? As organizations continue to get flatter and flatter, we continue to put more and more pressure on the few left in middle management. It’s not just the personnel either. That may be the easy part. Now, we are being faced with everyone becoming customer facing, the depth of customer penetration within in the ranks is increasing at a rapid wait. The one answer that so many of us fallback to is technology. And, that is also changing at a rapid rate. So what does a manager have to do?

Terri Griffith answers that in her new book,The Plugged-In Manager. The cornerstone of Dr. Griffith’s work is an easy-to-understand framework for plugging in, explained through three core practices:

  1. Stop-Look-Listen: What do your data say? What do you already know that will help you with this project?
  2. Mixing: How do you balance your available resources?
  3. Sharing: How can you achieve better results by integrating your choices with other team members?

I found the book practically written from a Lean perspective.  It is a well written book that you can read cover to cover without stopping. What you will do, is bookmark or crimp many of the pages in it and start tackling her suggestions, she includes a few exercises to get you started and improve one thing at a time. She discusses an evolution for managers, not a revolution. Great insight and the podcast with Terri was excellent. I hope you enjoy, I did.

Download Podcast: Click and choose options: Plugged In or go to the Business901 iTunes Store.

About: Terri Griffith, Ph.D. helps people and organizations work with technology. As a Professor of Management at Santa Clara University (Silicon Valley), Terri helps mix together the technology of work (everything from telepresence to the size and type of tools a crew would use to build a fence), the way we organize to do this work (virtual teams, collaborative leadership, hiring and pay plans), and the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the people we work with.

Related Information:
Inspiring Innovation thru Standard Work
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The SDCA Cycle Description for a Lean Engagement Team

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