Standard Work in Lean Services–Dr. Balle

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. However, the concept of Standard Read More …

A3 Problem Solving for Marketing

This video is an overview of why you should consider using A3 Problem Solving for Marketing and a plug for my new book, Marketing with A3. I should have emphasized it more in the video but using A3 for your marketing tactics is an excellent way to help in your decision making process but also Read More …

Capture Knowledge using the A3 Lean Thinking Process

When using A3s in marketing or for that matter anywhere within the organization has flourished in the last few years and has become one of them most popular Lean Tools. It is being used as reports, proposals but primarily as a problem solving tool. What I think makes the A3 so powerful is that it Read More …

Does Lean Marketing deliver what the customer wants?

Customers do not want more choices. They just want what they want, period. And in an economy that there is less demand than supply, they can get it. Companies in response to this create more features, more options in their products or services. They will take the deep dive into segmenting their markets and through Read More …

Lean Thinking A3 Sales Call Sheet

This A3 report is a takeoff on a marvelous book by Mahan Khalsa, Let’s Get Real or Let’s Not Play. It is about determining what’s of value to your client and how to provide a solution that meets this value criterion. I have used this for many years as a guideline for selling. After writing Read More …

Lean Problem Solving approach

Practical problem solving is at the heart of the Toyota Production System and a Lean culture. These skills are based on the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle and are the bases of the A3 problem solving process. Why is learning the foundation of problem solving so important? When you start looking through the lens of Why? Why Read More …