Customer Discovery Interview: Emergent Process

A successful product launch involves not just a strong marketing strategy and appealing product design but also the team that is responsible for finding new customers. The ideal solution for this challenge is an emergent sales and marketing process that can be executed at different times, on different teams, and in different locations. However, while Read More …

Is Your Organization in The Practice of Engaging Emergence?

If your organization is not in the practice of Engaging Emergence, what chance does your brand have in the race for innovation and new markets? Emergence is the approach, which is used by The Third Wave to create a new market. By introducing a new product, business model, or idea, a brand can create an Read More …

Brand Development with Action Learning

The control you have of your brand is based on how well you listen. Marketing’s job needs to be more than just getting the message out. It is equally important to get the message in. Action Learning is what I might call my standard work. It should be baked into your marketing processes. Action Learning Read More …

Strength-Based Marketing Framework

First Sketches of an InfoGraphic that I am developing. A few bullet points follow: 1. Using Snowden and Boone”s Cynefin Network to define our Marketing Space. 2. Action Learning is how we do everyday work. We have fulfilled Senge’s idea as Learning Organizations. 3. 5Is & Soar: How we adapt to everyday work 4. Action Read More …

Customer Discovery Interview

Overview Anyone can come up with a great marketing strategy and in the same vein anyone can come up with a marketing idea. As long as you build plans, websites and develop strategies in isolation of customers your chance of success is minimized. My implementation successes with customers are almost always determined by the Discover Read More …