Is Lean Playing to Win? Part 2 of 2

This is a response to a recent LinkedIn thread, What do we have to do to have Lean survive a leadership change?. This is part 2 of 2 my response. The first blog post, Is Lean Playing to Win? Part 1 of 2. If a leadership change occurs, the first challenge is to grow revenue. Read More …

Is Lean Playing to Win? Part 1 of 2

In a recent LinkedIn thread, What do we have to do to have Lean survive a leadership change?, I found most of the comments following the age old line that the reason for Lean failures can always be summed up in one word, leadership. I even left the following comment; “My first thought when I Read More …

Growth is about People, not Process or Product

If you can build a culture of PDCA, a culture of learning, growth becomes part of everyone’s job. It is this aspect I believe that separates good companies from great companies. There is not an internal factor that will be more limiting or more expansive than the people within the organization. Building a learning culture Read More …

SD-Logic at the Center of Business Growth

It is always funny that until you have purchased a new car, you see so few of them on the street. Afterwards, it seems like every light you pull up to there is one. Even the different makes start looking like your own. Tuesday night, I posted a blog, Is there a Fifth way to Read More …

Is there a Fifth way to Grow a Business

We normally define four basic ways for a business to grow: Market development: Taking current products into new markets. Market penetration: Taking our current product lines and penetrating our current markets more deeply than we have in the past. Innovation or Product Development: Introduce new products into our current markets. Diversification Strategy with Innovation/Product Development: Read More …

Grow your Small Business with Lean

I am going to devote the week of April 22nd on how to grow, or scale-up your small business. I will be scaling-up the entire week culminating in a webinar, The Lean Scale Up which will be followed by a period of Q & A on the afternoon of April 26th. Only registered participants will Read More …