Rethinking The Value Of Optimization In Marketing

The advent of digital technology has completely transformed the landscape of marketing. Today, marketing is deeply entrenched in optimization, which seeks to refine and streamline strategies to achieve the best possible outcome. The endless pursuit of precision and efficiency has led marketers to increasingly rely on return on investment (ROI) and mathematical modeling to guide Read More …

Unlocking the Power of a Strong Brand Portfolio

The Art of Strategic Positioning: Unlocking the Power of a Strong Brand Portfolio Strategic positioning has become more crucial in today’s highly competitive business landscape. As companies strive to gain a competitive edge, they increasingly realize the power of a strong brand portfolio. A well-crafted brand portfolio helps businesses differentiate themselves from their competitors and Read More …

The Power of Context: Uncovering Hidden Customer Desires through Contextual Interviews

Contextual interviews have emerged as a powerful tool for uncovering hidden customer desires and gaining invaluable insights into their preferences and motivations. By immersing yourself in the customer’s environment and understanding the context in which they make decisions, you can discover a wealth of information that can inform your marketing strategies and product development. In this Read More …

The Link Between Customer Success Management and Value-Based Selling

As businesses strive to maintain a competitive edge in the current market environment, customer success management (CSM) and value-based selling (VBS) have increasingly become vital tools for enhancing customer satisfaction and ensuring business growth. Customer-related CSM activities such as onboarding, support, and retention programs foster strong customer relationships, while VBS focuses on aligning product offerings Read More …

Is Customer Strategy More Important than Brand Strategy?

Marketing has come a long way since the early days of advertising. The evolution of technology and the internet has made it possible to connect with customers more personally. With data analytics, predictive modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, marketers can make informed decisions tailored to each customer’s needs. This post will explore the difference Read More …

How to Create Marketing That Resonates with Your Audience

It’s no longer enough to put out a message, and hope it resonates with your target audience. With so much noise and competition online, marketers need to understand their audience’s values, beliefs, and motivations to create a truly effective campaign. Enter Valuegraphics, a powerful tool that can help you create marketing campaigns that truly resonate Read More …