Lean, Service Design and Lean Startup

The next crucial level of organizational effectiveness: Lean Service Design. I have the pleasure of introducing Sara Coene (@saracoene) through this guest blog post. Sara is a Lean Service and Process Consultant and co-founder of Storites. She helps companies develop creative ideas and concepts to adapt their processes, business models and services to the desires Read More …

What kind of problem solving is that

When I first started working years ago there seem to be a fairly prescriptive way of doing things. In sales: We used Rackman’s SPIN Selling techniques and of course, we did this with the decision maker. In Marketing: We looked at three different lead generation techniques – Public Relations, Advertising and Referrals. In operations: We Read More …

The Technology of Storytelling

“In 6,000 years of storytelling, people have gone from depicting hunting on cave walls to depicting Shakespeare on Facebook walls.” (Joe Sabia) iPad storyteller Joe Sabia introduces us to Lothar Meggendorfer, who created a bold technology for storytelling: the pop-up book. Sabia shows how new technology has always helped us tell our own stories, from Read More …

Lean 3P more than just Design

In a recent Business901 podcast, Use the Lean 3P Process to drive Effective Change, I discussed with co-author of the book, Dan McDonnell, how to use Lean 3P within the organization not only for Lean Product Development but also for any type of change program. About the book, Unleashing the Power of 3P: The Key Read More …

Will Lean Startup thinking work at GE?

Structure eats Culture for Breakfast! “I make all our managers read The Lean Startup,” says a Wall Street Journal ad quoting Jeffrey Immell the CEO General Electric for Eric Reis’s book. Well, Mr. Immell, I would recommend that unless you change structurally, it is likely that your managers have just read a fiction book. It Read More …

What a great time period for Lean Homebuilding!

It seems like an opportune time. They are getting squeezed from a lot of directions. And just like the auto industry, they are one of the most visible industries that we point towards to lead us out of the recession. Lean may not be the savior but from the description Scott Sedam, President of TrueNorth Read More …