Was Maslow a Lean Marketer?

In my post Lean needs Marketing, more than Marketing needs Lean!, I found a striking resemblance between the Toyota Supplier hierarchy depicted by Liker and Meier (The Toyota Way Fieldbook) and the Economic Pyramid model of Pines and Gilmore (The Experience Economy). I was intrigued how that fit into the discussion that the authors of Read More …

3 Tips on achieving Fast, Effective, Sustainable change

Next weeks Business901 podcast guest is Sara Lewis, the Managing Director of Appreciating Change, a psychological change consultancy focused on helping leaders and managers achieve positive change in their organizations. She is the author of Positive Psychology at Work: How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organizations and one of my favorites, Appreciative Inquiry Read More …

Product to Customer Centric in 4 Steps

Becoming customer centric requires an organization to understand the emotional needs and difficulties of their prospects and customers (only the term “customer” will be used for the balance of the blog post). I have recently done a series of blog posts on empathy (The Role of Empathy in Design), that goes deeper into this subject. Read More …

Masters of Design Thinking Presentation

I am a big fan of the two people that put this presentation together. One being former podcast guest, Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam  and the other, Graham Hill who can be found on his Customer Think blog. They provide an insightful journey through a few of the latest thoughts in Service Read More …

Gamestorming for Service Design

As part of the kickoff for the Global Service Jam, Dave Gray was asked to offer some tips on how service designers could use Gamestorming. So he put together a few thoughts in this short video on Blip TV. It covers: Job to be done Customer Journey Service Networks Storyboard Back Stage Value Networks Closed Read More …

Think and Design like a Storyteller

Storytelling is all about engagement. Designing with a narrative in mind can make a difference between a product that merely functions will and one that engages the minds and emotions of users. This session will explore how an understanding of narrative techniques can make us better designers. This video is a little long but an Read More …