Critical and Creative Thinking benefits the Problem Solver

Below is a presentation that I will be giving this week to the Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky. It will be during the winter training school and focus on using both Critical and Creative Thinking benefits the Problem Solver. It also includes how to prevent the failures of most decision processes. This an hour long Read More …

Service in the Eyes of a Design Thinker

My podcast guest was Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam. DesignThinkers is a Strategic Design agency that specializes in social innovations, service innovations, customer centered design, marketing 2.0 and branding. They provide a bridge between business opportunities and creative solutions. The podcast typifies what I enjoy about Service Design and the people surrounding Read More …

Do you co-create value with your Customer?

My podcast guest next week is Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam. He is a Designer in Residence at the Oslo School for Architecture and Design & Norwegian Center for Service Innovation, Founder of the Design Thinkers Network, Co-Founder of the Service Design Network Netherlands, Catalyst at WENOVSKI and Founder of the Healthcare Read More …

A Service Design Thinking Primer

My blog and podcast for next few months will focus on Business Strategists, Design Thinkers, Appreciative Inquiry Coaches, Architects and of course Lean Thinkers. I could not think of a better way to start this series than having a podcast with co-author Marc Stickdorn of  This is Service Design Thinking. This is a transcription of Read More …

Product Design centers on Use and Experience

We swim in an ocean of products. Behind each one, there is someone (hopefully) thinking about the way we experience it. In this episode of Off Book, they explore three aspects of product design: Build quality and engineering fundamentals Humanism and sustainability Speculation on the future of the product experience. In discussion with the 4th Read More …

Service Design with Marc Stickdorn

Service Design changes the way you think about business.  No longer can companies focus their efforts on process improvements. Instead, they must engage the customer in use of their product/service rather than analyzing tasks for improvement. We no longer build and hope that there is a demand. We must create demand through our product/service and Read More …