Innovation is Rethinking Customer Needs

Service Innovation requires that shift the focus away from the solution and back to the customer. In the podcast, Service Innovation – Rethinking Customer Needs, my guest Lance Bettencourt discusses how to rethink your approach to the customer’s needs: how the customer defines value in a product or service. This is a transcription of the Read More …

Mass Customization is not Mass Customization

Mass Customization is doable with the right design. So many of us think in such broad terms that lead us to believe that mass customization is responding to every customers whim. I think that also hinders us from completely understanding the concepts of co-creation and co-producing. As Joe Pine so eloquently puts it in this Read More …

Scaling Customer Decision Making Process

In yesterday’s blog post, I made a statement that I find a striking resemblance in the Toyota Supplier hierarchy (on left) depicted by Liker and Meier (The Toyota Way Fieldbook) and the Economic Pyramid model (on right) of Pines and Gilmore (The Experience Economy). It deserves a better description. If we were to view the Read More …

Customer Experience more powerful than the Supply Chain?

During the past few months I have been spending time understanding the Service Design concept. The history according to Wikpedia: The earliest contributions on service design (Shostack 1982; Shostack 1984), the activity of designing service was considered as part of the domain of marketing and management disciplines. This design process, according to Shostack, can be Read More …

Rethinking Customer Needs w Innovation

True service innovation demands that you shift the focus away from the solution and back to the customer. To achieve this shift in your business–one that takes you from making educated guesses to building a clear model to guide service innovation—Lance Bettencourt instructs on the finer points of how to rethink your approach to the Read More …

Can the customer be front stage in your organization?

There has been a fair amount written about designing a customer experience and more specifically how the interpretation of theater can help. The most ready reference on the subject is Interactive Services Marketing by Ray Fisk, Steve Grove and Joby John. Service theater is based on the metaphor of services as theater, which they have Read More …