The term Value Stream Marketing

Neither have I, until I did a search and typed Value Stream Marketing instead of Value Stream Mapping. It was completely accidental, but it was exactly what I was thinking. If you think about it, do you have a value stream map for your customers? I am not just talking about a map showing the Read More …

The Pillars of the Lean Marketing House

Applying Lean and Theory of Constraints to this concept opens up a completely different understanding of marketing cycle. It simplifies it for many individuals and companies that have difficulty looking at marketing as a system. It puts theory into actual practice. I have not found a quicker and easier method for converting a stagnant and Read More …

Can you retain this customer?

This is part 3 of a 3 part series on Determining your customer perspective. Can you retain this customer? Do you really look at this as a consideration when developing your marketing segments and the value you place on acquiring a certain type of customer? Most of us look at repeat and referral strategies across Read More …

Can you satisfy these customer segments?

This is part 2 of a 3 part series on Determining your customer perspective – Can you satisfy these customer segments? As I mentioned previously, all customers behave and act differently. The personal contact that they receive from your organization should certainly attempt and make them feel that way. However, at some point and time Read More …

Determining Customer Perspective: Ideal Client

This is part 1 of a 3 part series on – Determining your customer perspective – Who Do You Want As a Customer? I understand that starting with this statement may not be the best lead in this day and age, but you do have to start your process thinking here. Start-up or an existing Read More …

Using the Theory of Constraints to improve your Marketing Hourglass

How can the Theory of Constraints play a role in the Marketing Process? First, you have to create an organized structure. I use the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass as a pattern to create a logical path. However, I don’t stop there, because if you want a flood of new clients…well read the e-book. Using the Read More …