Back to the Fundamentals

Palo Alto Software is proud to present an on-going series on getting your business “Back to the Fundamentals”. With all the information out there on what you should be doing, this series is focused on giving you actionable items that get you moving toward success today! Free Webinar – Simple Marketing Tactics presented by John Read More …

Sales and Marketing the Six Sigma Way

Improve your Sales Process Win more of the Right Customers Lower Your Cost, Boost Your Margins This is what Michael Webb , author of Sales and Marketing the Six Sigma Way, promises on the outside cover of the book. Does he deliver? You betcha! This is one of my top reference books that sits either Read More …

How to e-mail old contacts?

Sometimes there is nothing like squawking a little bit to learn something. You just need to know to keep quiet, listen and take your lumps.  I have just done that, read my recent post on  Constant Contact, Evangelist to Ex-Customer . But the learning is what I wanted to focus on. Jamie e-mailed back from Read More …

Mirror your Customer – Making it your process

The previous 2 steps is very similar to creating a Current State Value Stream, much of what we do in Lean Processes or Lean Marketing. This step. I would relate to creating a Future State Value Stream.  You are now going to start thinking about the marketing materials to use or create for this process. Read More …

Mirror your Customer – Understanding his process

The previous blog on this subject discussed a 10-step decision process for a customer and what may take place. Now, the next requirement from a Lean Marketing perspective or any other perspective for that matter is to understand the meaning and to define it in a useable manner. Listed are just a few of the Read More …

Lead Generation in a recession, where do you start?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, a lot! Since, I am what I would say wired into the social community I see a lot of information about: We should be ignoring the recession. Build community. Pull marketing versus push. Social media. All of this being the soft side of marketing and selling. Read More …