Is it just a Marketing Funnel

Do you think it is Scrum? Do you think it is Kanban? Do you think it is a Marketing Funnel? …or is it all three? Or maybe Agile? This is an empirical view of Value Stream Marketing. The drawing is reflective of a Scrum sprint. Scrum is an iterative, incremental framework for project management and Read More …

Kanban, could we call this podcast anything else

David Anderson, author of the recent book, Kanban appeared on the Business901 podcast and added 50 minutes of Kanban discussion. David covered a lot of ground in this discussion and answered a lot of questions for me that his book raised. David is a thought leader in managing highly effective software teams. He is President Read More …

Marketing Kanban 104, The EPic Card

We fill our Marketing Calendar with post it notes but what do we put on them? In the early stages of constructing your Kanban, we stay away from creating a task board. We are really looking for a more empirical view of the process. Listen to a brief overview:  

Marketing Kanban 103, The Marketing Calendar

The next step I use in developing a Marketing Kanban is to develop a Marketing Calendar. The quickest way to learn about an organization’s marketing is simply create a visual Marketing Calendar. Look at how we do it: When you think about your present marketing efficiencies, does your thoughts wander this direction: It’s not working, Read More …

Are you focusing on your customers conversations

  Over the past decade and more, the Internet has played an ever increasing part of everyone’s marketing. The recent rapid increase is due in large part due to the popularity of Social Media, even though the Internet has been around for close to three decades. With the advent of smaller devices, texting and twittering, Read More …

The Power of Repeat and Referral Customers

I recently did a blog post, Turning your Marketing Cycle into a Kanban that created a basic Value Stream Map in a beginning Marketing Kanban discussion. I defined the Exit point of the Kanban as the purchase of the service or product. I purposely left out the Repeat and Referral Customers to simplify the explanation. Read More …