Lean needs Marketing, more than Marketing needs Lean!

In The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing edited by Robert Lusch and Stephen Vargo they present the case to use SD-Logic as a foundation versus a total integrative marketing method. I believe that Lean viewed through the lens of PDCA as a knowledge creation platform can serve as the vehicle for implementation of this Logic. The Read More …

Profiling the customer by knowledge gaps

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components. This particular blog focuses around Buffer Profiles and Level Determination or in the marketing sense, profiling the customer by your knowledge gaps. Once the strategically replenished positions are determined, the target levels of those buffers Read More …

Learning from your Customers

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components. This particular blog focuses around Strategic Inventory Positioning or in the marketing sense, positioning your organization to learn from your customers. In DDMRP, Strategic Inventory Positioning The first question of effective inventory management is not Read More …

Mind map on Crucial Conversations

This is one of my all time favorite mind maps and I really do use it before having a conversation on the phone just to remind me of a few key points. I actually have found myself reviewing it while talking on the telephone. The book, Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Read More …

Virtual Organizations will change the Org chart

It may take a while to get there but the organizations that start making the change to “Virtual-ality” will have the best talent and a hidden asset, better ways to communicate with your customer. Dorian Selz’s companies are great examples of what could be deemed virtual organizations. Flat hierarchies, less management, geographically dispersed teams are Read More …

A Beginning Step to Co-Creation

You are what you charge for. And if you’re competing solely on the basis of price, then you’ve been commoditized, offering little or no true differentiation. What would your customers really value? Better yet, for what would they pay a premium? Experiences. Joseph Pine co-author of the book The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Read More …