Wilson Training to introduce new iQuality Training Programs at SWIMAQ

Partnering with IWCC on customized Adult Learning programs At the upcoming Southwest Iowa Manufacturers Alliance for Quality program Steven Wilson of WCTS, Inc. will be discussing how partnering with IWCC on customized programs for Quality and Six-Sigma can provide dramatic results for your business. The program will be held from 9:30AM to 2:30PM on Tuesday, Read More …

Servant Leadership in the Toyota Culture

Last week, I had a chance to attend Lean Frontiers’ workshop on The Role of Leadership in Creating a Sustainable Lean Culture. The course demonstrated the role of leadership in connecting and simultaneously developing the “Product” and the “People” Value Streams in an organization. In a lean implementation this really sets the foundation for a Read More …

Can MRP be a Demand Driven Tool

Chad Smith of the Constraints Management Group was the guest on the Business901 Podcast, Bringing New Thoughts to the Supply Chain thru MRP.  This is a transcription of the podcast. Chad is currently writing the third revised edition of Orlickys Materials Requirements Planning with Carol Ptak (a former B901 Podcast Guest). An excerpt from the Read More …

Lean Marketing House ebook

Lean Marketing is the Future of Marketing Released as an ebook, Lean Marketing House is now available on the website. “When you first hear the terms Lean and Value Stream most of our minds think about manufacturing processes and waste. Putting the words marketing behind both of them is neither creative nor effective. But the Read More …

Create a Great Workplace eBook

Ed Muzio, president and CEO of Group Harmonics was my guest on the Business901 Podcast. This is a transcription of the podcast, Creating a Great Workplace. We had a great discussion on his new book,  Make Work Great: Super Charge Your Team, Reinvent the Culture, and Gain Influence One Person at a Time. He is Read More …

A Lean Accountant goes to Gemba, does yours?

Lean Accountants are active and a central part of a company’s operations. This is a transcription I had with Jim Huntzinger a leading authority in the world of Lean Accounting. Jim is the president and founder of the Lean Accounting Summit, TWI Summit, and Lean and Green Summit.  6th Lean Accounting Summit…Lean Accounting Summit organizers Read More …