Lean Marketing House Overview – Video

This video series will explain the process I use in building a Lean Marketing house. This particular segment is a quick overview of the Lean Marketing House. It discusses the 4 disciplines that are used Duct Tape Marketing, Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints. The entire series will be posted during this week. Related Read More …

Start, Run and Grow Your Business

Special offer: Sign up for any Business901 28 Day Plan in the next 7 days and mention Start, Run and Grow software in Paypal comment section. I will send you the software free. Over 45 essential business tools and services. All you need to start, run, and grow your business included in one software package! Read More …

Pillars of Lean Marketing crumble?

Is it just poor planning? Maybe, you really did not believe in the system. Typically there are four barriers to implementation of most plans. Clarity, few people understand the strategies. People may not be directly linked or measured by the outcomes. Money, the entire process is not totally funded. Management looks for quick wins versus Read More …

Speed may be the Biggest Determent

The company that gets to the customer first, the company that releases the product first, the company that slides in and closes the sale while you are still waiting to get the final specifications, all demonstrate how important speed is to your marketing success. Speed is much, much more than the ability to run your Read More …

Get Rid of Your Marketing Vision Statement and Address the NEED!

Most organizations try to develop a meaningful marketing vision statement designed to guide their action for today, tomorrow and in the future. The vision statement serves as a platform for all their marketing goals. Armed with a vision, you establish your marketing goals, which are time-sensitive and detailed orientated. We send the goals through the Read More …

The term Value Stream Marketing

Neither have I, until I did a search and typed Value Stream Marketing instead of Value Stream Mapping. It was completely accidental, but it was exactly what I was thinking. If you think about it, do you have a value stream map for your customers? I am not just talking about a map showing the Read More …