Do’s and Don’ts of Experimentation

People sometimes try to get too much from experimentation. They think it will do more than it really is meant to do. Experimentation should be considered when we want to compare a small number of alternatives to select the best. Even if we do, experiments don’t normally generate new options and don’t typically optimize anything. They Read More …

Marketing: Single Loop & Double Loop

This may seem like old-hat for many but visiting the basics of Systems Learning can be an excellent exercise, especially for someone that has not experienced it before. In the world of automation and big data, we have an abundance of information that we are acquiring. At a high level, it is more about what Read More …

Vision is More Than a Forecast

People talk about vision all the time. It is often misunderstood and taken out of context. They think it is for annual planning and boardroom activities. They think of vision as some lofty goal that could be characterized by statements like this: Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. – Jonathan Read More …

Using the Imagineering Process

Lou Prosperi wrote the first book in the Imagineering Toolbox Series called The Imagineering Pyramid: Using Disney Theme Park Design Principles to Develop and Promote Your Creative Ideas. When not visiting Disney parks, Lou is a manager, technical writer, instructional designer and former game designer. Lou’s book outlines 15 practices and principles that will enable you Read More …

Market towards Triggers

Trying to create prospects may be one of the most difficult and expensive components of marketing. Trying to find the path of people that want our service/product (since everything is a service, I will only use service from now on) is not the easiest chore in the world. If we know all the Dentists, Plumbers, Read More …

What will the 7th Era of Marketing bring?

I think, the people that are into this methodology can become the new marketers and new content leaders in the organization because quite frankly, this looks much more like a product development methodology than it does a campaign development methodology. If we’re building something of value – a blog, a digital magazine, a community, a Read More …