One Page Management, really?

Are your employees productive? Do they have specific objectives and measurements? One Page Management offers a system for all personnel and a key to high production and realized goals. In a growing company finding quality personnel is one of the most difficult task. As a result, managing that talent has become more difficult and demanding. Read More …

Can I beat Amazon on Google?

Ok, this is a relatively unimportant blog post but you have to have some fun sometime. One of my goals occasionally is to find out where I can get to on Google Search. Well, the last few weeks I have been trying to beat Amazon on two Google search terms: One Page Business Plan and Read More …

The would-be entrepreneur’s handbook

CNN Money Magazine wrote a entrepreneur’s handbook The last day of a recession is the best day to start a business, the saying goes. So tackle the 10 steps in this guide now – and be ready to ride the rebound when it comes. Step 1: Interview yourself for the job Step 2: Have a Read More …

One Day Webinar for The One Page Business Plan

The One Page Business PlanTM one day event is a fast pace series that will allow you to develop not only business plans, but a performance model for companies, divisions, departments and individuals. To execute better, faster and cheaper comes from the ability to implement common processes and practices across your entire organization. Without clarity Read More …

28 Day Plans – Marketing & Business Plan

The 28 Day Plans are really kits that have been compiled from the best material that these products offer and establishes a basic understanding on how to apply the principles of each through an initial seminar and then 28 days of coaching. By participating in group coaching it is like being a part of a Read More …

Are you in trouble yet?

How would you know if you are in trouble? One thing I will say though: “It seldom happens overnight.” Even in turbulent times you typically will see signs of it coming. So here are some suggestions to know when drastic measures are needed: The obvious: sales are decreasing faster than the economy is shrinking. Customers Read More …