The Use of Design Thinking at Toyota

One of my favorite books of recent years, Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Toolkit for Managers was co-authored by Jeanne Liedtka. Her co-author Tim Ogilvie, CEO of innovation strategy consultancy Peer Insight was a past podcast guest and I highly recommend both the podcast and the book. Transcription with Podcast link: Using Design Thinking Read More …

Planning the Future with SD-Logic

Pioneering transformative scenario planner Adam Kahane visits the RSA to outline a powerful new methodology for dealing with some of the world’s most intractable challenges. I highly recommend two of Kahane’s books, Transformative Scenario Planning: Working Together to Change the Future and Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities. Read More …

Mapping Scenarios for Lean Service Design

I have moved away from the typical Customer Journey and Service Maps so popular in most Service Design and Design Thinking circles. I think in presentations a linear flow is much easy to understand and draw out in a workshop. It is pretty cool to create this Buyer Persona and then walk that Persona through Read More …

Lean Service Design Presentation at ASQ

I have the pleasure of participating in the conference and will be giving a sixty-minute presentation on Lean Service Design. My presentation will be offering a unique perspective on applying Lean to the Service Design Field. All participants of my presentation will receive a CD (CD is available on Amazon) that contains: 130 Page PDF eBook Read More …

How Starbucks Connects with Customers

Joseph Michelli’s books, and doing a podcast with him several years ago, I concluded after reading Joe’s latest book, Leading the Starbucks Way: 5 Principles for Connecting with Your Customers, Your Products and Your People, that it is his best work to date. An excerpt by Dr. Joseph Michelli from the podcast and transcription below: Read More …

Connecting Strategy and Customer Service

John Goodman is the author of  Strategic Customer Service and Vice Chairman of Customer Care Measurement and Consulting (CCMC). CCMC’s customer satisfaction and loyalty surveys and analytics are used by leading Fortune 500 companies from every industry to produce a better ROI from their investments in customer experience. John has managed more than 1,000 separate Read More …