Service Design with Marc Stickdorn

Service Design changes the way you think about business.  No longer can companies focus their efforts on process improvements. Instead, they must engage the customer in use of their product/service rather than analyzing tasks for improvement. We no longer build and hope that there is a demand. We must create demand through our product/service and Read More …

Prototypes provide a Pathway for Connecting with Customers

Prototyping is a way to introduce our products or services in a very disarming way. It is a way of saying, “I respect your opinion.” Creating that empathetic connection with others can have a profound impact on your company. We all prefer to buy products from people that we perceive to be experts in their Read More …

Your First Prototype is with Pen and Paper

There are few faster, cheaper and more effective tools than the pen and paper. It’s easy, you can use it anywhere and anytime and it is one of the most effective collaboration tools that exist. The best course I have ever taken since college and in fact, I might as well throw college into the Read More …

Value can no longer be defined as What a Customer will pay for!

When we use money as the premise for value, “What a customer is willing to pay for” makes sense. We certainly pay for the value of a Ferrari. Using this argument, money can be the determining factor of value. However, something about it rubs me wrong and by the way, I am a capitalist at Read More …

The Experience Economy Author, Joe Pine discusses Customer Value on the Digital Frontier

Joe Pine: “What you’re doing is that you’re shifting from thinking of them as constraints to thinking of them as resources. When you say that time is an element that costs our customers that’s a constrained view, instead of recognizing that customers have time that they want to spend inside of experiences.” – excerpt from Read More …

Progression of Economic Experience –

In this video, Joe Pine introduces the Progression of Economic Value, the foundational model for understanding the role of Experiences in the history of economics. It was first introduced to me in the The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage by Pine and Gilmore. It is worth the time to hear Read More …