All Core Messages are not Created Equal.

I wrote a post recently that All Sales Channels are not Created Equal and talked about the resources that you would have to commit to each one. But today I had an appointment with a new client and was discussing their Core Message and went through an exercise that I thought might prove useful. More Read More …

Dorothy, it’s about the shoes!

How is your marketing doing in 2009? Have you increased it? We have just about completed the first 30 days and are you cutting back or moving forward? I am still talking to perspective clients that seem to lack direction. How can you not be focused by now? Case in point, Dorothy from the Wizard Read More …

Mirror Your Customer – Your Process

The purpose of marketing, using the Duct Tape Marketing definition is getting someone with a need to know, like and trust you. But to do that, you must first understand the customer’s buying process and put a proactive plan and process in place to meet those criteria. We have went through a ten step process Read More …

The Disney Way

Recently I saw a tweet from Lorraine Ball at Roundpeg that led me to this article by John Sviokla on The Havard Business Review: How would Walt Disney Market in 2009! Great article which points out Core principles that we can all learn from Disney: Know the story is king. Utilize the newest technology to Read More …

Small Business wants to do their marketing alone?

I am not surprised but still amazed at this statistic. Two-Thirds of Small Businesses Go it Alone for Marketing More than half of small business owners say that generating new customers is a challenge for them, yet nearly two-thirds say they do not use outside support for marketing assistance, according to a survey of US Read More …