Levels of Abstraction, Levels of Completeness

Musicians, Architects, and Systems Thinkers seem to have a similar thread woven through them. When you think about Frank Lloyd Wright, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Peter Drucker and many others had musical composition in their background. Next weeks, Podcast guest Jim Kalbach, is a Principal UX Designer with Citrix Online and an active speaker, writer, Read More …

Contrarian or Unique Perspectives?

Steve Portigal author of Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights, and founder of  Portigal Consulting.  answered this question from my in past interview: I want to step back for a second, and as a manager, let’s say, I send three people out to interview or just watch the experience. They can come back and Read More …

Cutting Edge Storytelling

The Multiverse™ consists of eight different realms: Reality, Virtuality, Augmented Reality, Alternate Reality, Warped Reality, Augmented Virtuality, Physical Virtuality, and Mirrored Virtuality. This maybe considered cutting edge storytelling, see what celelbrated author Joe Pine author of Infinite Possibility says about about the Multiverse. I asked Joe in a podcast, “Can you possibly simplify this message for Read More …