Does Your Team Want to Be Extraordinary

Four patterns of extraordinary teams: Energized Connected Hopeful Changed I asked author Geoff Bellman that question in a past podcast. I also added, does a group have to have all of them to be extraordinary? Related Podcast and Transcription: Making Teams Extraordinary Geoff Bellman:  No, let me say a couple of things about them first. Read More …

What (Who) Influences you at Work?

You have to sit down and say, “This is what’s influencing me,” and look at your mental model. You have to see those influences and how you are handling it and recognize what’s happening to you in your situation, first, right? Can you give me an example of a couple of things you might tell Read More …

Engaging with Tranmedia Storytelling

I asked Andrea Phillips an award-winning Transmedia writer, game designer and author, Marketing has moved from being a medium to get the message out, more as a medium of engagement. Storytelling may be the only way to engage people totally. Related Podcast and Transcription: A Primer on Transmedia Storytelling Andrea Phillips:  Absolutely, 100 percent. I’ve been Read More …

A Non-Lean View of Servant Leadership

Terri Griffith in her book The Plugged-In Manager describes an easy-to-understand framework for plugging in, explained through three core practices: Stop-Look-Listen: What does your data say? What do you already know that will help you with this project? Mixing: How do you balance your available resources? Sharing: How can you achieve better results by integrating Read More …

Marketing Lessons from God

The challenge many organizations have is separating or differentiating themselves from the competition. We have discussions about our unique value proposition or unique selling point but with many organizations once they get down to explaining it, it all sounds the same to the customer. It seems that everyone can be anyone with “good marketing”. Looking Read More …

In Command, but Out Of Control

Malcolm Gladwell in his book,Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking  quoted this passage and attributed to Management Guru Kevin Kelly. In this first part of the video series by Abhilash Nambiar, Lt. General Paul Van Riper talks about how his 40+ years in the marines shaped his views of how some of the most Read More …