Is TWI a Method for Healthcare

Skip Stewart made new discoveries about standard work when he transferred to the healthcare industry to introduce Lean practice into Baptist Memorial Health Care, a network of 14 hospitals in the Memphis and surrounding area. It was there he was introduced to TWI and he quickly realized the power of good training practice in the Read More …

Can Training Within Industry be used for Introducing Lean?

The System Director of Performance Improvement at Baptist Memorial Healthcare in Memphis, Tennessee, Skip Steward, is my guest this week for the first of a two-part podcast. Skip has a variety of accomplishments, qualifications and certifications in the quality improvement field that includes being a Shingo Examiner for the Shingo Institute, Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Read More …

Is Job Relations the Key Program in Training Within Industry?

Oscar Roche believes the long term success of any business lies in the development of people capability. It is this belief, combined with extensive operations management experience, that permits him to add value to any organization he works with. Oscar is is the Director of Training Within Industry Institute in Australia.  Oscar believes passionately that Read More …

Is Kata a Methodology or a way of Thinking

Oscar Roche believes the long term success of any business lies in the development of people capability. It is this belief, combined with extensive operations management experience, that permits him to add value to any organization he works with. Oscar is is the Director of Training Within Industry Institute in Australia and my guest in Read More …

Is there a connection between Kata and TWI?

I asked Pat Boutier, co-author of The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training, that question and below was his reply.  The book received the Shingo Award for Research and Professional Publications from the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence. It discusses the blend of Training within Industry (TWI) with Kata in a very unique Read More …

Can Things Be This simple – 4 Steps

If we go back the Charles Allen, 4-Step Process, through Shewart’s PDCA Cycle (later referred to as the Deming Cycle), we discovered a simple process for learning. In the middle of this Training within Industry, TWI, was founded.   This is not rocket science. It is not new. It is simply a proven method that Read More …