Can you really use Lean for Marketing? – Dr. Balle

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. As a result of discussing Read More …

Transferring your Value stream Map to a Kanban board

In this video, Alan Shalloway  of Net Objectives describes the process of mapping a value stream to a Kanban board and why both are important in improving business-driven software development. Alan does a nice job in the video simplifying the process of Value Stream Mapping for non-Lean organizations. He also converts the map to a Read More …

Continuously improving thru PDCA

The Systems2win Company provides business process improvement tools and training to companies all over the globe. People are provided with easy-to-use fill-in-the-blanks Excel templates that come with self-help online training to improve the speed and reduce the cost of every step of your project. Dean was my guest on the podcast and we discussed how Read More …

Lean Marketing House – A3 Report

This A3 report is a high level look at building a Lean Marketing System. I created this to accompany my presentation at the ASQ Columbus Conference. You can develop this A3 for a customer or a business segment. The instructions are below. Lean Marketing House – A3 Layout A3 Instructions: Complete the customers name and Read More …

Value Stream Mapping Customer Value

Value Stream Mapping Customer Value can be difficult to say the least. Even getting your organization to decide on what the Customer Value’s can be challenging. This PowerPoint/Video highlights the 5 Cs of Driving Market Share as the method of choice to determine your Customer’s Value Stream. It also introduces the term Voice of Market Read More …