Duct Tape Marketing EXCELerator Program

The Duct Tape Marketing® EXCELerator Program is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and business owners that want to take their revenues to theMarket Excel 2 next level as soon as possible, but don’t have an in-house marketing department to help make that happen.

Is This You?

Chances are YOU ARE the marketing department and often find yourself achieving only small incremental improvements to your bottom line
each year. Where do you start and where can you turn to for help when you need it? Now you can get the help you need through your own “on call”
marketing department.

  • Figure out the right marketing approach for YOUR business within the
    confines of a limited marketing budget.
  • Get the marketing assistance you need WHEN you need it.
  • Have access to the right resources who can help you BUILD the marketing
    tools you need.
  • Have someone who cares about you and your business to guide and direct
    you as you implement your marketing initiatives.

We will deliver a 5-part blogging series dedicated to this revolutionary and unique program. On Thursday, November 13, at 10:00 AM, an overview of this program will be presented through a webinar delivered by Business901. Reservations are required. Please send a request to info@business901.com . A special offer will be available to attendees.