Marketing Assessment

Marketing Assessment

Scoring ==> Low = 0; High = 10                                                                              SCORE

  1. How well do you know your IDEAL CLIENT?
  2. How well defined is your CORE MESSAGE?
  3. How well is your SOLUTION PACKAGED?
  4. Rate the educational value of your MARKETING MATERIALS.
  5. How effective is your LEAD GENERATION TRIO? PR, Advertising, Networking
  6. How effective is your INTERNET STRATEGY?
  7. How much do you manage your business by a MARKETING CALENDAR?
  8. How definable & repeatable is your MARKETING SYSTEM?
  9. How effective is your Marketing System in achieving your GOALS?
  10. Evaluate your Marketing System on simply a "GUT FEEL.

"Total Average Score (Total divided by 10)__________________

Jeff Bishop a fellow Duct Tape Marketing Coach devised this simple but effective marketing assessment. Take the test.