Mirror your Customer’s Decision Tree

This is a decision tree that I acquired from the Free Management Library many years ago. I recommend them as a very viable source of information. But to continue on with my series of blog post, on Mirror Marketing, the first requirement we had was to formulate the decision process of the customer. Many will not have this formal of a process but it is a process and a documented one, so lets start with this Ten-step approach..


  1. Identify the key facts.
  2. Identify and analyze the major stakeholders.
  3. Identify the underlying driving factors.
  4. Identify/Prioritize operating values and ethical principles.
  5. Decide who should be involved in making the decision.
  • Determine & evaluate all viable alternatives.
  • Test preferred alternative with a worst-case scenario
  • Add a preventive component
  • Decide and build a short and long term action plan
  • Use decision making checklist.

Now, the key to this is putting your product and service next to these steps and see if you could influence any of these decision with good marketing materials. Can you? This part 2 of s series of 5 blog post on Mirroring your customer’s marketing.