I think is very important for off-line and online presence to be similar if not exactly the same. We hardly can brand ourselves to much.
2 leading advocates of the Social Media have opinions of this today:
Read John Jantsch’s Blog today for background.
Read Kyle Macy’s recent post today for background.
But I have a question, I need to raise. I am having a hard time finding good leading-edge marketing advice on anything except for online initiatives. Is there any cutting-edge off-line activity going on today?
Just looking at the visitors to my website, 28% are still using Internet explorer 6.0. When I look at my computer, I have four or five browsers and 6.0 was a long, long time ago.. When I talk to the small business person and discuss social media, very often,I get that Deer in the Headlight look.” I know the answer, the readers of the many blogs may say: “They don’t get it.” But I think it may be the other way around.
So if you’re a leading-edge marketer, what are some off-line ideas?
One consistent producer of off-line ideas is Scott Howard of ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom whose blog I read daily.