Using Lean Tools, Start at Gemba

The tools are always an important element of any process and Lean Product Development is not lacking in offering its share. Out of what may seem like 100 different tools, I think the most prevalent can be broken down to the following (I have excluded your traditional project management tools): Gemba Walks Mapping (Which we Read More …

Lean Thinking In Service

Drew Locher is currently Managing Director for Change Management Associates. CMA provides Lean Enterprise Consulting and Organizational Development services to industrial and service organizations. In 2004, Drew co-authored a book titled, “The Complete Lean Enterprise: Value Stream Mapping for Administrative and Office Processes ”. In 2008, he published a book titled, “Value Stream Mapping for Read More …

Managing Value Streams in Lean Accounting

Ross Maynard, has worked as a coach and consultant with a wide range of British and European organizations for over 20 years. He is the author of many articles on Lean accounting and business improvement and specializes in Lean accounting, Lean service, and process simulation and improvement. Download PDF Transcript of Podcast Note: This is Read More …

Lean Product Development with Mascitelli

Ron Mascitelli is president of Technology Perspectives and author of five books, with his most-recent publication, Mastering Lean Product Development: A Practical, Event-Driven Process for Maximizing Speed, Profits, and Quality.   One of Ron’s earlier books, The Lean Design Guidebook: Everything Your Product Development Team Needs to Slash Manufacturing Cost (The Lean Guidebook Series) was my Read More …