Locking Customers into the Loyalty Loop

In a not so recent article (Nov/2015) on the Harvard Business Review, Competing on Customer Journeys by David C. Edelman and Marc Singer discusses the new shaping of the customer journey. Their description of the journey is shaped in a strikingly similar structure that remind many of us as a type of (not so) casual loop or a system archetype. Read More …

Theory of Constraints Stack

This is a collection of Business901 Podcast Transcriptions that focus on the Theory of Constraints. Guest include Bill Dettmer, John Rickers and both Ari and Eli Schrangenheim. Theory of Constraints Stacks are a new way to organize your own publications, as well as any other publications that you find interesting. For your own publications, after Read More …

Greatest Pain + Easiest to Measure

Disruptive Innovations: Greatest Pain + Easiest to Measure Yesterday’s podcast excerpt with Tim Sanders, ended this way, Joe, doesn’t that sound like sales? I mean, we have to solve a bunch of our little prospecting presentation closing problems just to get the right to solve the customer’s problem, and quality works exactly the same way. Read More …

I carried Ed Deming’s Bag

He was doing several of these every year, 4-day sessions, and he had just lost his personal assistant, or I should say scared him off. Knuth thought that would be a wonderful thing for me to do for awhile, so I spent a little bit of time carrying his bags. An excerpt from next week’s Read More …

Becoming a Lean Construction Consultant

Dave MacNeel of On Point Lean Consulting: Lean Construction was my guest this week on the podcast. On Point Lean Consulting provides on-site Lean Construction coaching and training for owners, builders, and designers looking to improve the delivery of capital projects. Dave has a few great stories as he went from project management, introducing Lean into a construction company Read More …