Creating an A3 Learning Org – Part 2 of 5

Bob Petruska of Sustain Lean Consulting brings 24 years of experience helping a variety of customers including Health Care, Aerospace, Automotive, Food, Office and Service industries improve their performance.  He is a consultant, presenter, trainer and author of Gemba Walks for Service Excellence: The Step-by-Step Guide for Identifying Service Delighters. It is heavily illustrated and includes Read More …

Creating an A3 Learning Org – Part 1 of 5

Bob Petruska of Sustain Lean Consulting brings 24 years of experience helping a variety of customers including Health Care, Aerospace, Automotive, Food, Office and Service industries improve their performance.  He is a consultant, presenter, trainer and author of Gemba Walks for Service Excellence: The Step-by-Step Guide for Identifying Service Delighters. It is heavily illustrated and includes Read More …

Using Soar: Strength, Opportunities, Aspiration, Results

I often use SOAR in the initial sequence of steps in working with clients. This helps ensure we carefully think through what outcomes we want to create, what supports and barriers we need to plan for, and who we have to involve within your organization to guarantee success. The starting point looks like this: Strengths: Read More …

Top 10 Business901 Podcasts of 2014

I had a great group of guests this year and had a lot of fun doing and reviewing over 50 podcasts that were recorded this year. This is a summary of the top 10 Business901 podcasts of the year. From this group, the top podcast of the year will be chosen. Drowning in Work? Jim Read More …

Forming a Quality Group

This is the last in series of interviews that I had with Bob Petruska of Sustain Lean Consulting. We have covered subjects from Trystoming to Value Stream Mapping. A complete list: Production Improvement: Crank it up and Go Faster Training 201: Training other People? TryStorming instead of BrainStorming? The Original Pizza Game at AME Jacksonville Read More …