Lean Process of Marketing to Toyota

I have to preface this saying that this is pure conjecture on how to sell to Toyota. I have no product or client at this time considering doing this. If you do have a product or service that would like to try this approach, please feel free to contact me. My door is open. I Read More …

Drucker and Deming = Lean Marketing

Peter Drucker moved management away from the the command and control theories of the past bringing the concept of setting objectives and allowing teams to work toward them to management practices. In Lean Marketing practices, I advocated the use of Value Stream Mapping Process to identify: Customer’s Decision Making Path Sales and Marketing reaction to Read More …

Are you Lean enough to have A3 thinking

I was looking for a primer on A3 to include in my blog and found this IW Best Plants Conference: Developing People with A3 Thinking: In this session at the 2009 IW Best Plants Conference, Jamie Flinchbaugh, Founder and Partner, Lean Learning Center provides a basic primer on A3, outlining its use as a method Read More …

Shorten Marketing Cycle, Incr. Lifecycle

Why Lean Marketing? Because it is the Future of Marketing The Value Stream Map is a lean tool to analyze the value stream. Value Stream Mapping techniques involves mapping each step of a process looking for waste and on improving the total time from the beginning to the end of the entire stream. One of Read More …

Why Lean Marketing? Because it is the Future of Marketing

For the marketing people, a lean presentation is a good time to sit back and relax because its application has absolutely no applicability to them. Their probably right, marketing people are creative, right brained thinkers with a tendency to think they are the only ones to look at the big picture. Sure they understand metrics Read More …

Converting Storyboarding to Marketing

This storyboarding process used by Disney is just absolutely sensational. Disney was a storyboarding freak! Not only does a storyboard allow for a dress rehearsal of the final product but by the very fact of being posted on the wall,it elicits early feedback and encourages quick, painless editing, leading to significant savings in time and Read More …