SDCA & PDCA Are Needed For EDCA

SDCA and PDCA prepare you to maximize EDCA or Design. I like to use the term EDCA learned from Graham Hill to designate the Explore aspect of Lean. I view it as more of Design Type thinking content that allows for that collaborative learning cycle with a customer. Design and Innovation takes place outside the Read More …

Evolution and the Future of PDCA

In the paper, Evolution of PDCA, covered the development of PDCA from the introduction to the scientific method (you could argue between Aristotle or Galileo) to the latest development covered by the paper with the addition of the Model for Improvement published and described in The Improvement Guide. This book was published in 2009. In Read More …

Implementing PDCA

In Franklin Covey’s, The 4 Disciplines of Execution,  they use the term the “Whirlwind” in the same manner as I think about Standard Work. As they describe operating outside the whirlwind (SDCA) think of that as PDCA or EDCA depending on if you are looking for incremental or breakthrough type improvement. You have to allocate Read More …

Standard Work is Driven by Customers

Lean has reacted and supported the improvement of services through the foundation based on Deming’s 14 Points Applied to Services (Quality and Reliability). In Deming’s view, management was responsible for 85 percent of all quality problems and, therefore, had to provide the leadership in changing the systems and processes that created them. Management needed to Read More …

The Role of 5S in Standard Work

5s Improves Organizational Standards for Efficiency, Effectiveness and Success 5s is a systematic corrective action technique to clean up, get organized and make this the way you do business. In service organizations, the problems identified in 5S not only rob your organizations’ productivity but also your customers. Service environments are especially prone to this waste. Read More …

Map the Value Stream

When people hear the term “Map the Value Stream,” their thoughts often go to the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Process. Value Stream Mapping as depicted in “Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA is the accepted method throughout the United States. It is primarily oriented toward manufacturing. In recent times Read More …