How Good of a Team Can You Put Together

I think a Kaizen Event  offers leadership a unique opportunity to “walk the talk.” They can participate in open and frank conversation, promote empowerment and break down many organizational barriers. This may be the first step in developing an ongoing continuous improvement culture. Their expressed enthusiasm for recommendations and recognition of other participants will go Read More …

The Origins of Cap-Do in My Work: Hansei

I highly encourage you to listen or read this conversation between Michael Balle and myself. It is at the heart of Kaizen, PDCA and Lean. Mike Balle on the Culture of PDCA: Podcast: Gemba Coach talks PDCA, Transcription: Is PDCA the culture of Lean? Reflection on these points may be the most important part of Read More …

The Team is Not Responsible for Teamwork

Successful Lean teams are iTeams When I use this term, it is based on a simple theory that Teamwork Is an Individual Skill. In this book by Christopher Avery he describes a team as a group of individuals responding successfully to the opportunity presented by shared responsibility. Paraphrased from the book: Your ability to create Read More …

Standard Work building Flexibility as Brittleness is Found

Many organizations start practicing the tools of Lean and fail to understand that it is the people side that makes Lean effective. I have seen where organizations will develop the skill set of Value Stream Mapping, A3 Problem Solving or even Hoshin Planning. But spend little time developing a Lean attitude around the most basic Read More …

Mastery of Lean: Culture, Standard Work, Ideal

Dan Pink’s book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is an excellent description of modern day Lean practices. Just using the example of Mastery from the book will give you an idea on how powerful of a process Lean actually is. I would encourage you to visit the Mastery chapter in Dan Pink’s Read More …

Standard Work for Knowledge Workers

Leader standard work is a concept in Lean Management, popularized by David Mann in his book “Creating a Lean Culture”, that creates standard work for managers. For many in the Agile community, the notion of “standard work” brings a repellent idea of standardization and work standards, and the oppressive boot-jack command culture that comes with Read More …