What Men can learn from Lean In

Sheryl Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune’s list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Read More …

Driving Market Share thru Customer Value

In my journey over the past few years to bring a Continuous Improvement philosophy to marketing, I have primarily focused on Lean and identifying the individual Value Streams. Lean was a much easier methodology to implement and utilize. Working in the past with Dr. Eric Reidenbach of Six Sigma Marketing Institute, we developed the program Read More …

Grow your Small Business with Lean

I am going to devote the week of April 22nd on how to grow, or scale-up your small business. I will be scaling-up the entire week culminating in a webinar, The Lean Scale Up which will be followed by a period of Q & A on the afternoon of April 26th. Only registered participants will Read More …

Problem Solving Leadership

Jeffrey G. Soper, Ph.D., Executive Director of the International Strategic Business Partner Institute, and the creator of Problem Solving LeadershipTM and the C.L.I.C.KTM Process will be presenting at the The ASQ Charlotte Section Annual Conference 2013, Quality Conference of the Carolinas. The conference is held at UNC Charlotte Center City and is a one-day event Read More …

Should your Processes be cast in Stone

Beyond Agile: Tales of Continuous Improvement is the latest publication of Modus Cooperandi. Co-author Maritza van den Heuvel is my guest on the podcast. Beyond Agile examines 10 companies, mostly in the tech world, but also in innovative automotive and business consulting, that have actively evolved their processes. Using tools from Lean, Agile and other Read More …