Lean Marketing listens to the Voice of the Vital Few

One of the first inclinations people have about using Lean in Marketing is the term Voice of Customer. From Wikipedia: Voice of Customer (VOC) is a term used in business and Information to describe the in-depth process of capturing a customer’s expectations, preferences and aversions. Specifically, the Voice of the Customer is a market research Read More …

Follow Pareto not Wanamaker in Customer Retention

Should Lean Marketers be using the Wanamaker Principle or the Pareto Principle in your Customer Retention programs? John Wanamaker said: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” I have written about this on several occasions on how this is a good thing, not a bad Read More …

Project and Change Management Simplified

“When employees resist change, it isn’t because they’re stupid. It’s because they’re smart,” says Bob Lewis. Bob is the president of IT Catalysts and author of Bare Bones Project Management: What you can’t not do and Bare Bones Change Management: What you shouldn’t not do. With titles like this, how could you not buy these Read More …

Customer Retention Assessment

The typical company will focus on growth by emphasizing customer acquisition. However, market share growth is highly dependent on been able to retain customers. In that area, all that is needed is to find the source or the reason why they defect and then slow the rate of that defection. I doubt that you will Read More …

Interview with Joe Pine on Infinite Possibility

Joe Pine, lead author of Infinite Possibility: Creating Customer Value on the Digital Frontier, shares his point of view on the convergence of the digital and real worlds and what businesses can do to leverage opportunities found in the Multiverse. Joe Pine had 2 new books out last summer, Infinite Possibility and The Experience Economy, Read More …