Does ROWE solve some Lean problems

In next weeks podcast, I have David Kasprzak, of the popular blog, My Flexible Pencil discussing  ROWE a concept developed by Jody Thompson and published in her book, Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution. An excerpt from the podcast: Joe:  That’s a very interesting point, because that’s what always frustrates Read More …

Driving Profit through People and Processes

This is a transcription of the Business901 Podcast, People & Process Drive Profit Podcast with Vivian Hairston Blade, Founder, President & CEO of Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting, LLC (EiGL Consulting, LLC) based in Louisville, KY. Open publication Vivian is a recognized expert, keynote speaker, trainer and executive coach in the principles of Customer Experience, Read More …

Is the Balance Scorecard being revived

Balanced Scorecards tell you the knowledge, skills and systems that your employees will need (learning and growth) to innovate and build the right strategic capabilities and efficiencies (internal processes) that deliver specific value to the market (customer) which will eventually lead to higher shareholder value (financial).  – “Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It” Read More …

The Irrelevancy of List Price

Rob Doctors, lead author of the book, Contextual Pricing: The Death of List Price and the New Market Reality was my guest on the Business901 Podcast. Rob believes that pricing decisions need to be driven by customer context rather than simple list prices. Pricing is more than just an issue of margin and production costs, Read More …

Traditional vs. Emerging Thoughts on Pricing

In the 1990s, we were led by the process methodologies of Lean, Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma. Better, Faster, Cheaper was the mantra. The goal was to gain a disproportionate advantage by leveraging internal resources to their fullest advantage. Many of us are finding that faster, better, cheaper is not the game changer that Read More …

How Lucky are you with Pricing?

This week we are reviewing different pricing strategies culminating with our podcast, The Death of List Price featuring Rob Doctors, lead author of the book, Contextual Pricing: The Death of List Price and the New Market Reality. How Lucky do you feel with your pricing? As lucky as this 19 year-old did on the Price Read More …