Should the Lean Champion be the Chief Customer Officer?

I asked John Goodman, next week’s Business 901 Podcast guest, author of the fantastic book  Strategic Customer Service, fellow presenter at ASQ Service Quality Conference in Las Vegas and last but not least Vice Chairman of Customer Care Measurement and Consulting (, the question: “Your presentation ASQ is titled, “Beyond the Buzz Words”. Can you Read More …

Personas, Stakeholder, Journey Maps work?

Successful companies are now viewing their marketing as a method for getting the message in from the marketplace versus pounding the message out. It is this inbound marketing stuff we have been talking about the last few years. The new methodologies of User Experience, Service Design, Design Thinking and the Lean StartupTM are all about Read More …

Empathy is the Fundamental Principle of Understanding.

From my blog post, Do you only Listen through your Ears?: Empathy is a major differentiator between the traditional process methodologies of Six Sigma, and I say this tongue–in-cheek, Lean. Many times when you review Design for Six Sigma, Lean Startup, Lean Product Development, and Lean Design (the list goes on), seldom when you search Read More …

Are we making Lean to difficult?

Many of us that drink the Lean Kool-Aid view Lean as the ultimate business methodology and any Lean implementation falling short of a complete transformation is a failure. If an organization chooses a different course than fully buying into a Lean Transformation”, what is the harm? It is about the business being a success, not Read More …

Lean Sales is a Learning Process, not a Teaching Process

Every act of your Lean sales process is a learning process. This is why Lean works in development, aka Lean StartupTM, why Lean works in operations and why Lean works in sales. I have no idea why process consultants continue to try to force fit Lean into the sales and marketing process from a standpoint Read More …

Business Process Management more than an IT Function

Business Process Management is more than an IT function. It is how we go about our work as an organization. Theodore Panagacos, a former Management Consultant with Booz & Company explains this and how BPM works with Lean and Six Sigma in his book The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Management: Everything you need to Read More …