Learning Lean

Where do you start with Lean? I decided to start with Management expert James P. Womack, Ph.D., the founder and senior advisor to the Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc., a nonprofit research, education, publishing, and conference company that he began in August, 1997, to advance lean thinking around the world. The intellectual basis for the Cambridge, Read More …


10 Sample A3s by 5 contributors I was honored to have these 5 people contribute A3s for the eBook, Marketing with A3. I had several of my own efforts but felt that I could not offer the variety needed. These contributions are real life examples (names and some data has been changed) that captures the Read More …

Lean Sales and Marketing: Driving Sales w Storyboards

Remember, how we had those presentation brochures and we would flip through them to do our paper PowerPoint. They were filled with all the features and benefits of our products and services; bullet pointed and mixed in were a bunch of cool pictures. Along came notebook computers and we had real-live PowerPoints. Now, we have Read More …

Course Tools Outline

It’s tough to implement a philosophy. Most of us whether we care to admit it or not were introduced to Lean, Six Sigma and even Design Thinking through a set of tools. I have always encouraged manufacturing organizations that if they could learn the Seven Basic Quality they could go a long way in their Read More …

LSD Design Implement

Prototypes provide a Pathway for Connecting with Customers Prototyping is a way to introduce our products or services in a very disarming way. It is a way of saying, “I respect your opinion.” Creating that empathetic connection with others can have a profound impact on your company. We all prefer to buy services from people Read More …