Analyzing Failure on Projects

Affilite Post of the Week: Content is from the Ten Step Project Management Newsletter written by Tom Mochal. Visit The TenStep Store for templates, eBooks, PMP prep material and many other project management products. Analyzing Failure on Projects: Success and failure are integral to individual and corporate growth. Success is relatively easy to handle. Few Read More …

Value Stream Marketing: It’s just not about the Value

Applying Value in your Marketing process is not the only thing that is important. In today’s marketing managing the stream is becoming equally more important. I alluded to this concept when I discussed E-mail providers in a previous post. I concentrated on the value and the touch points within your Marketing Hourglass. Just as important Read More …

The term Value Stream Marketing

Neither have I, until I did a search and typed Value Stream Marketing instead of Value Stream Mapping. It was completely accidental, but it was exactly what I was thinking. If you think about it, do you have a value stream map for your customers? I am not just talking about a map showing the Read More …

The Pillars of the Lean Marketing House

Applying Lean and Theory of Constraints to this concept opens up a completely different understanding of marketing cycle. It simplifies it for many individuals and companies that have difficulty looking at marketing as a system. It puts theory into actual practice. I have not found a quicker and easier method from converting a stagnate and Read More …

E-Mail Marketing Suppliers, can you do this?

Either through a customer or utilizing the services I have used most of the most popular E-mail providers. My list includes Constant Contact, Vertical Response, IContact, Get Response and decent knowledge of several drip marketing programs such as Infusion and Swiftpage. I have limited knowledge with other auto-responders but have dabbled with a few. My Read More …

Marketing needs Six Sigma to Improve

Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos is a book I recently re-read. I had remembered it and thought it had some good points. Not for the depth of analysis, most Black Belts will not find it too challenging, but for the examples and flavor of the writing. This book was originally published in 1993. Read More …