Sketching an important Leadership Tool

There are few faster, cheaper and more effective communication tools than the pen and paper. It’s easy, you can use it anywhere and anytime and it is one of the most effective collaboration tools that exist. You can start with a grand idea and instantly transform to the smallest, most minute detail. It is a Read More …

Lean Sales and Marketing Summit is Quickly Approaching

In preparation for this Dwayne Butcher of the hosting organization, Lean Frontiers wrote this in a recent newsletter: Marketing activities such as developing promotion programs, branding, developing ads and writing copy are seen as creative processes that don’t lend themselves to systematization without losing the ability to think outside the box. Most efforts to improve Read More …

Does Lean solve some problems for ROWE

David Kasprzak, of the popular blog, My Flexible Pencil discussed ROWE in the Business901 podcast this week. ROWE is a concept developed by Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler, co-authors of the book, Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution. ROWE stands for  Results-Only Work Environment. It is a revolutionary new way Read More …

Driving Profit through People and Processes

This is a transcription of the Business901 Podcast, People & Process Drive Profit Podcast with Vivian Hairston Blade, Founder, President & CEO of Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting, LLC (EiGL Consulting, LLC) based in Louisville, KY. Open publication Vivian is a recognized expert, keynote speaker, trainer and executive coach in the principles of Customer Experience, Read More …

Traditional vs. Emerging Thoughts on Pricing

In the 1990s, we were led by the process methodologies of Lean, Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma. Better, Faster, Cheaper was the mantra. The goal was to gain a disproportionate advantage by leveraging internal resources to their fullest advantage. Many of us are finding that faster, better, cheaper is not the game changer that Read More …

People & Process Drive Profit Podcast

Vivian Hairston Blade, Founder, President & CEO of Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting, LLC (EiGL Consulting, LLC) based in Louisville, KY was my podcast guest.  Vivian is a recognized expert, keynote speaker, trainer and executive coach in the principles of Customer Experience, Lean Six Sigma and Leadership Development. With a 20+ year career in Fortune Read More …