Using FIFO for Marketing

I was doing a Value Stream Mapping project for a customer and as we were creating their marketing segments to create the map, we were having difficulty creating the typical Marketing Hourglass, (Marketing Funnel, Sales Pipeline) for this particular segment. We also wanted to remove some prospects in the middle of a segment. Some of Read More …


People hold Kaizen events to move a particular problem along quickly. As I had mentioned in a previous post, I had mentioned the importance of having a good project management scheme intact to accelerate the implementation and/or execution. However, what makes certain types of companies good at implementation or for that matter, even certain individuals? Read More …

E-Mail Marketing Suppliers, can you do this?

Either through a customer or utilizing the services I have used most of the most popular E-mail providers. My list includes Constant Contact, Vertical Response, IContact, Get Response and decent knowledge of several drip marketing programs such as Infusion and Swiftpage. I have limited knowledge with other auto-responders but have dabbled with a few. My Read More …

Exploiting and Subordinating your Marketing Constraint

A continuation of my blog posts on Using the Theory of Constraints with your Marketing HourGlass. We are concentrating on optimizing the Throughput of the Marketing Hourglass utilizing the Five Steps of Continuous Improvement, Steps 2 and 3. Step 2. Exploit the system’s constraint This simply means; Getting the most out of the weakest link Read More …

Building a Lean Healthcare Value Stream

A Lean Healthcare value stream is just as likely as a manufacturer to employ lean concepts such as kanbans, heijunka, jidoka, kaizen, and the couple dozen new words for process improvement that happen to be Japanese words because Henry Ford didn’t think of them first. Many or most Lean teachings come from the Toyota Production Read More …