Critical and Creative Thinking benefits the Problem Solver

Below is a presentation that I will be giving this week to the Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky. It will be during the winter training school and focus on using both Critical and Creative Thinking benefits the Problem Solver. It also includes how to prevent the failures of most decision processes. This an hour long Read More …

Plan your Show and Tell

At some point and time, you have to turn your idea into a reality. The best way is to get feedback as early as possible even at the pen paper stage, Your First Prototype is with Pen and Paper. Most of us are bias about our idea and even in the way we perceive and Read More …

How do you handle inputs into your life

The book A Factory of One: Applying Lean Principles to Banish Waste and Improve Your Personal Performance demonstrates how to apply lean principles to the individual.  It delivers key concepts such as visual management, flow, pull, and 5S. Dan provides these concepts to the individual results in the same kind of benefits: greater efficiency, less Read More …

Blog Carnival Annual Roundup 2011: How to implement Lean Thinking in a Business

Tracey Richardson’s How to implement “Lean Thinking” in a Business is  my third and final blog review for the John Hunter’s Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog Carnival.   Tracey is a trainer, consultant and principal of Teaching Lean Inc. She has 22 years of Lean experience and worked at Toyota Motor Manufacturing KY as a team Read More …

When Lean Thinking is not enough!

When are Lean Thinking, A3 Problem Solving, PDCA, Kaizen and Continuous Improvement not enough? There is actually a time when considering small incremental improvements are the wrong thing to do. When you are dealing with a high degree of uncertainty, there still needs to be a process in place. If not, you may end up Read More …

Problem Solving before Lean

This mind map predates my commitment to Lean Thinking and particular to the PDCA and A3 processes. This Problem Solving mind map is still useful as an effective reminder of a few of the errors that we make during the problem solving process. A good reminder even for a member or the facilitator of a Read More …