Tips on Managing Multiple Marketing Campaigns (Projects)

In the project economy, everyone is a project manager. The lines between work and personal life have become blurred as we manage an ever-increasing number of projects – from developing a new product at work to planning a family vacation. Project management is not about controlling people or processes but achieving results through effective collaboration. Read More …

Are You Giving Customers Insight?

How many times have you walked away from a sales presentation wondering why the customer did not get it? Why can’t they see the advantage in our product or service? What prevented them? We often hear words mumbled like budget constraints or future considerations. We might hear that they have decided to focus energies on Read More …

Why I Quit Using PDCA

In the Sales and Marketing arena, we are exploring new propositions and environments as the main thrusts of our activity. I have found PDCA to be limiting and somewhat challenging to take people on the path of exploration. I was introduced to EDCA (E=Explore) it seems like a decade ago by Graham Hill but it never really Read More …

Are you developing WICKED Salespeople?

Most sales opportunities are just not that obvious anymore that seems to be the job of automation, not sales. However, are we enabling salespeople to handle wicked problems? Are we training them in the areas of exploration, scenarios, emergence & sensemaking? Wicked Problems: Cynefin Framework: