Leave the Customer Win Your Heart!

Stories are the best way to get our point across. In fact, we are schooled on how to tell stories and recently you are seeing more and more presentations handled in story fashion. An Ancient North American Proverb states, Tell me a fact, and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth, and I’ll believe. But tell Read More …

Do We Know How to Learn from Customers?

Any reader of the Business901 blog or twitter followers for any length of time has heard words echoing in this space such as… “The only competitive advantage you have is the rate at which you learn from your customers.” “Positioning your organization in your customer’s playground is the most important role marketing has.” Along with Read More …

You Create the Future by What You Reinforce Today

Yesterday, I blogged about, Selling Around The Triangle of Satisfaction, and how we tend to focus on competing interest. At the end of the post, I mention how continually working around the triangle as common interest surfaces increases buy-in. We could call it a Strength-Based approach, or we could just call it plain old positive Read More …

Sell Around The Triangle of Satisfaction

In most selling situations, we tend to focus on the greatest competing interest. By doing so we intensify most problems and sometimes we resolve them and sometimes we don’t. Readers of my blog know I like to take a more Appreciative Inquiry approach that SOAR versus SWOT approach (Are you SWOTing or SOARing?). I found Read More …

Why it is Wrong to Blame Leadership?

How do leaders get organizations out of bad habits? How do they improve the culture? Negative thinking causes depression and anxiety in people and organizations. Positive thinking creates better habits and produces resiliency in people. Does it do the same in corporations? This thought caused me to wonder about our thinking around problem solving and Read More …

Building Positive Engagements

David Shaked of Almond-Insight  has just finished his book, Strength-Based Lean Six Sigma  Using various strength-based approaches such as Appreciative Inquiry, David has created a radically different way to approach Lean Six Sigma. He calls this method Strength-Based Lean Six Sigma. Transcription and PDF Download Transcription and PDF Download Related Podcast: Building Positive and Engaging Read More …