The Original Pizza Game at AME Jacksonville

Bob Petruska of Sustain Lean Consulting will be working his magic in his upcoming workshop at the 2014 Jacksonville AME Conference where you can participate and witness the hands-on Pizza Game. Learn the basics of value stream mapping (VSM) and create your own maps with metrics showing the potential benefits. You will gain practical Lean Read More …

30% Of Wars Are Won By The Weaker Opponent

The  OODA Loop was a focus of a discussion in a past Business901 Podcast with Dr. Terry Barnhart.  It offered some practical applications using the OODA Loop in and outside of rapid deployment. Dr. Barnhart has published a book that mentions the OODA Loop in it. The book is Creating a Lean R&D System: Lean Principles and Read More …

Your Organization, Your Story

Your Organization was started to change the world. (Read that again). You are involved in a mission to change the world and that’s a story just about anyone wants to be a part of!  – An excerpt from The Nonprofit Narrative: How Stories Can Save the World authored by Dan Portnoy. If you don’t believe Read More …

My Preferred Method for Engaging Change

What makes Hoshin so unique over other planning methods is the effort that is put into the cascading effect of the Hoshin plan. This effect is called “Catchball”. Catchball drives the strategic planning process into every level of the organization and every employee and provides them the opportunity to define how they will contribute to Read More …

The System of Composing a Piece of Music

I asked John Woodall this question: I want to jump to composing a piece of music. I think it’s more of a system-type thinking approach that you’ve got this grand idea, and you look at this big picture, but then you’ve got to start writing this single note to start out with something. It’s like Read More …

The Musical Connection to Architecture from a Composer

Steve Horowitz is the creator of odd but highly-accessible sounds and a diverse and prolific musician. Steve’s music integrates his experiences as a bass player and band leader with his explorations as a multifaceted composer. Steve has been honored with a Grammy and a Webby. This week’s Podcast guest Jim Kalbach, is a Principal UX Read More …